CPT Training

About ChatGPT Powered Technique (CPT) Training

Course Content

Our comprehensive course is structured into three main modules, each focused on a specific programming language. Below is a detailed breakdown of the Python module, with similar methodologies applied to PHP and Ionic.

Module 1: Introduction and Environment Setup

Duration: 3 days

  • Brief introduction to Python and its applications
  • Setting up the development environment
  • Getting familiar with the IDE
  • First steps in programming: Writing and running your first script

Module 2: Building Blocks of Python

Duration: 4 days

  • Understanding variables, data types, and operators
  • Control structures: If, Else, Loops
  • Functions and Modules: Creating reusable code
  • Interacting with ChatGPT to enhance your coding skills

Module 3: Real-World Application Development

Duration: 3 days

  • Building a complete application from scratch
  • Connecting to a database and performing CRUD operations
  • Implementing user authentication and creating a login system
  • Enhancing the application with ChatGPT’s assistance

Benefits & Value for you

Our program stands out for its unique approach to programming education, tailored to maximize your potential in the shortest time possible.

Revolutionize Your Programming Journey: Achieve More, Faster, and Better

  • Unparalleled Efficiency: Transform weeks of work into hours with ChatGPT, your digital powerhouse.
  • Flawless Execution: Say goodbye to bugs and embrace near-perfect code from the start.

From Novice to Pro in Record Time

  • Accelerated Learning Curve: Propel from basics to advanced levels in just two weeks.
  • Hands-On Experience: Witness your code come to life under the expert guidance of ChatGPT.

Harness the Power of Collective Intelligence

  • Limitless Knowledge at Your Fingertips: Transform into a conduit of ChatGPT’s vast reservoir of knowledge.
  • Adaptive and Evolving Expertise: Stay at the forefront of technological advancements.

Elevate Problem-Solving to New Heights

  • Supercharged Creativity and Innovation: Rapidly brainstorm, validate, and refine ideas with ChatGPT.
  • Precision and Accuracy on Demand: Solve complex problems with precision.

Transform the Workplace

  • A Force Multiplier for Teams: Amplify the capabilities of entire teams, driving collective success.
  • Revolutionize Efficiency and Productivity: Complete tasks in minutes, meet deadlines with ease.

Gain an Unmatched Competitive Advantage

  • Stand Out in the Job Market: Position yourself as a top-tier candidate in a market hungry for AI skills.
  • Drive Innovation and Growth: Become a catalyst for innovation within your organization.

Cost-Effective Learning Solution

  • Maximize Your Investment: Achieve unparalleled results at a competitive price.
  • Future-Ready Skills at Your Fingertips: Equip yourself with in-demand skills, ensuring long-term career success.